Grenadier – Software Update

The Software variant is: SW0000000364001946 (this number is interrogated via the Settings menu).

I have delayed writing about my Grenadiers software update, my reasoning was that I wanted to ensure all spurious warnings have been eradicated. I confirm, the vehicle works as it should and all false warnings no longer exist.

The false warnings we experienced were numerous: I won’t list them as it is kind of irrelevant now (they were in view on the bottom right of the central display on a RHD vehicle). 

I have a diesel and there is talk of certain informations screens disappearing, in my case nothing has disappeared on the displays (will add images in the next website update).. 

The other positive, the engine ECU has been refreshed and it now sets off in a much better manor when leaving junctions from stationary.

My only software negative is that the Auto lights – activate with ignition and are somewhat lethargic in extinguishing. For information, my vehicle is a Trialmaster with dual batteries and I have not seem the charge about 86% after a journey (will amend the post if this changes.

In short a very positive outcome.