Hike: North Lantau Hash Run

I was invited by Marcel Van Houten and Jamie Day to run my inaugural Hash run in North Lantau organised by the South Lantau Hash House Harriers. This will be probably the last for a while as groups more than 4 people are no longer allowed by the Hong Kong government as of midnight today. I was surprised at the number competing of all ages, the guys told me there are typically 3 routes, 2.5, 5 and 7.5 kms. However, they did say the organiser will probably have hashed a 10km run and this was to be proved correct, which is known as the RAMBO run.

The terrain was various, through industrial areas near the MTR and then onto paved areas, as well as various slopes either man made or on virgin soils. Some of these slopes were quite slippery, especially as the gradient increased, in fact some of the slopes had ropes to assist you on the descent as the grip was marginal.

The run was approximately, 9.5 kms, I won’t post the Strava map as the GPS trace was unreliable and shows a longer distance (amendment trail map provided by Marcel). Some people ran the whole distance and I am sure Marcel and Jamie would have ran more, but they looked after the 63 year old during his virgin run. I did the odd jog, when the going was easier.

On completion the “Hashers” who must have numbered over 30, followed some rituals that involved forming a circle and introducing people into the circle when required.

Will I do it again, most probably?

Forgive the pictures, these are from my iPhone and taken at opportune moments (unfortunately I did not take any pictures from height).

For more details of the South Lantau Hash House Harriers click this link: https://lantauhash.wordpress.com

This is how the South Lantau Hash House Harriers describe themselves:

The South Lantau Hash House Harriers meets once a month for a hash — a walk/run based on the British tradition of a ‘hounds and hares’ paper chase.

Two ‘hares’ go out and set a trail, either with chalk, flour, or shredded paper, and it is the job of the ‘hounds’ to try to find and follow the correct trail.

The hash is set with checkpoints and false trails, and often with variations for runners (Rambos) or walkers (Wimps), so no matter your physical, mental or spiritual fitness, there is a trail for everyone.

After the run, there are libations for all, with multiple beastly cold beers for down-downs.