Ineos Grenadier on order!

I paid the full £2500 deposit in May for the Ineos Grenadier in Donny Grey. Two weeks ago I received an email, asking me to confirm my ordered specification, which is a Trialmaster with a few minor additions. This is my particular order specification, yes there are things that may not be desirable or necessary, but it’s difficult to decide until you actually get to see the vehicle, which clearly will not happen before delivery.

I think the vehicle, won’t disappoint. However, I am concerned that if and when I try to contact Ineos directly, I always fail. I initially wanted to change a small part of my preordered specification and I was given a date of 8th July as the final time to contact them and of course after my initial contact I heard nothing.

Thankfully, their supplying partner Chandlers inspires more confidence. The vehicle is scheduled to be built in October and before this happens I have to sign a contract. As yet, I don’t think anyone has received this document to sign.

Well here is my specified vehicle from the outside.

EDIT: (23 October 2022): This project has been delayed numerous times. Haven’t made any decisions, meanwhile costs go up.